
All publications

  1. O Lloberas Valls, DJ Rixen, A Simone, LJ Sluys, The role of domain decomposition techniques for the study of heterogeneous quasi-brittle materials, In Computational modelling of concrete structures - euro-c 2010 p.363-371, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  2. JH Hoefakker, Theory Review for Cylindrical Shells and parametric study of chimneys and tanks
  3. WF Gielingh, M Groosman, JJ van der Heijden, NPM Scholten, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, D Willebrands, Vertrouwen en betrouwbaarheid. Een ontwerp voor de innovatie van het systeem van bouwtechnische regelgeving
  4. AK Abramian, Wave propagation in a two-dimensional plane straight duct with panels embedded in its sidewalls, In Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume 329 p.994-1006.
  5. V Togan, AT Daloglu, H Karadeniz, Yapi sistemlerinin surekli ve ayrik tasarim degiskenleri ile guvenilirlige dayali optimizasyonu, In Teknik Dergi Volume 335 p.5135-5159.
  6. X Liu, A Scarpas, 3D finite element modeling of polymer modified asphalt, In Advanced testing and characterization of bituminous materials p.939-948, CRC Press / Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
  7. FKF Radtke, A Simone, LJ Sluys, A computational model for failure in fibre reinforced concrete including the influence of discrete fibre distribution, In Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures - CTCS '09 p.767-781, s.n..
  8. FP van der Meer, LJ Sluys, A computational model for splitting and delamination in laminates, In 12th International conference on fracture p.1-10, s.n..
  9. PFP Moonen, LJ Sluys, J Carmeliet, A continuous approach to simulate failure of quasi-brittle materials, In Computational Plasticity X, Fundamentals and Applications p.1-4, CIMNE.
  10. D Dias-da-Costa, JMV Alfaiate, LJ Sluys, E. Júlio, A discrete strong discontinuity approach, In Engineering Fracture Mechanics Volume 76 p.1176-1201.


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