
All publications

  1. FP van der Meer, LJ Sluys, A numerical investigation into the size effect in the transverse crack tension test for mode II delamination, In Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Volume 54 p.145-152.
  2. LBN Le, P Stroeven, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, A numerical porosimetry on a vritual concrete
  3. A Ahmed, LJ Sluys, A numerical study on interacting damage mechanisms in FRP laminated composite plates, In Heron Volume 58 p.61-85.
  4. G Kaushik, A Tsouvalas, A Metrikine, A parametric study on the influence of various parameters on the underwater noise levels generated by offshore pile driving
  5. A Ahmed, LJ Sluys, A partition-of-unity method for modeling coupled thermo-mechanical problems in frp laminates subjected to impact, In International conference on composite materials p.1-10, s.n..
  6. A Karamnejad, VP Nguyen, LJ Sluys, A rate-dependent multi-scale crack model for concrete, In Fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures FraMCoS-8 p.1-11, CIMNE.
  7. A Tsouvalas, A Metrikine, A semi-analytical model for the prediction of underwater noise from offshore pile driving, In Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume 332 p.3232-3257.
  8. S Saroukhani, R Vafadari Komarolia, A Simone, A simplified implementation of a gradient-enhanced damage model with transient length scale effects, In Computational Mechanics Volume 51 p.899-909.
  9. M.M. van der Voort, J Weerheijm, A statistical description of explosion produced debris dispersion, In International Journal of Impact Engineering Volume 59 p.29-37.
  10. AT Slobbe, MAN Hendriks, JG Rots, A testing procedure for the evaluation of directional mesh bias, In FraMCoS-8 proceedings of the VIII international conference on fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures p.1651-1659, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering.


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