
All publications

  1. H Chen, P Stroeven, M Stroeven, LJ Sluys, Nearest surface spacing between neighboring aggregate particles in concrete: theoretical solution, In International conference on advances in concrete composites and structures (ICACS-2005) p.157-168, SERC.
  2. X Liu, A Scarpas, Numerical modeling of the influence of water suction on the formation of strain localization in saturated sand, In Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences Volume 9 p.57-74.
  3. X Liu, X Cheng, A Scarpas, J Blaauwendraad, Numerical modelling of nonlinear response of soil. Part I: Constitutive model, In International Journal of Solids and Structures Volume 42 p.1849-1881.
  4. N Kringos, A Scarpas, Numerical simulation of water damage phenomena in the top layer of asphaltic pavements, In 11th International conference of the international association for computer methods and advances in geomechanics (IACMAG) p.369-376, Patron.
  5. GL Kuiper, A Metrikine, On stability of a clamped-pinned pipe conveying fluid, In Heron Volume 49 p.211-232.
  6. J Weerheijm, Rate dependent load-deformation relation for concrete under impact tensile loading, In 11th International conference on fracture p.1-6, CCI.
  7. N Kringos, A Scarpas, Raveling of asphaltic mixes due to water damage: computational identification of controlling parameters, In Transportation Research Record Volume 1929 p.79-87.
  8. PCJ Hoogenboom, A Scarpas, W. Voskamp, Reinforced concrete model for low reinforcement ratios, In The proceedings of the fifteenth international offshore and polar engineering conferenceineering conference p.471-476, ISOPE.
  9. H Karadeniz, Reliability calculation of rc offshore structures under extreme wave loading, In The proceedings of the fifteenth international offshore and polar engineering conference ISOPE p.399-406, ISOPE.
  10. PCJ Hoogenboom, R Spaan, Shear stiffness and maximum shear stress of tubular members, In Proceedings of the fifteenth international offshore and polar engineering conference p.316-319, ISOPE.


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