
All publications

  1. GL Kuiper, A Metrikine, M Efthymiou, Experimental investigation of the dynamic behaviour of a water intake riser, In Proceedings of OMAE2007 p.1-10, ASME.
  2. A Simone, Explicit and implicit gradient-enhanced damage models, In Damage and fracture in geomaterials p.1024-1044, Lavoisier.
  3. ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Failure consequences in flood engineering, In Special workshop on Risk Acceptance and Risk Communication p.1-8, s.n..
  4. I Vegt, K van Breugel, J Weerheijm, Failure mechanisms of concrete under impact loading, In Fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures p.579-587, Taylor & Francis.
  5. I Vegt, J Weerheijm, J Mediavilla Varas, K van Breugel, Failure of concrete unde impact loading, In Implast 2007 p.247-254, The University Press.
  6. ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Fatigue modelling according to the JCSS Probabilistic Model Code, In Aspect of Structural Reliability: In honor of R. Rackwitz p.101-113, Herbert Utz Verlag.
  7. X Liu, A Scarpas, C Kasbergen, Finite element modeling of vertical drainage systems in wet soft clay, In Advanced characterisation of pavement and soil engineering materials p.533-542, Taylor & Francis.
  8. JG Rots, S Invernizzi, B Belletti, Fracture via a sequence of events: a saw-tooth softening model, In Fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures p.427-435, Taylor & Francis.
  9. P Stroeven, J Hu, Gradient structures in cementitious materials, In Cement and Concrete Composites Volume 29 p.313-323.
  10. Z Guo, M Stroeven, W Yang, P Stroeven, Hades, successor of space system; developments and new territories for exploration, In ICS'XII, 12th international congress for stereology p.1-8, s.n..


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