
All publications

  1. AS Elkadi, JGM van Mier, LJ Sluys, Multiaxial failure of low-cohesive frictional materials: fracture behaviour and size dependency, In Philosophical Magazine (London, 2003) Volume 86 p.3137-3159.
  2. CA van Bentum, ACWM Vrouwenvelder, Nieuwer factor ym, In Bouwen met Staal Volume febr. 2006 p.6-7.
  3. X Liu, A Scarpas, C Zwanenburg, J Barends, Numerical investigation of the efficiency of vertical drainage systems, In Geotechnical engineering in the information technology age p.1-6, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).
  4. X Liu, A Scarpas, TO Medani, M Huurman, Numerical investigation of the nonlinear response of asphaltic surfacings on orthotropic steel deck bridges, In 10th international conference on asphalt pavements p.1-10, ISAP.
  5. M Shamalta, AJ Breunese, W Peelen, JJH Fellinger, Numerical modelling and experimental assessment of concrete spalling in fire, In Heron Volume 50 p.303-319.
  6. N Kringos, A Scarpas, Numerical simulation of the physical processes inducing moisture damage in asphaltic mixes, In 10th international conference on asphalt pavements p.1-10, ISAP.
  7. A Metrikine, On causality of the gradient elasticity models, In Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume 297 p.727-742.
  8. P Stroeven, H Chen, M Stroeven, On connectivity of porosity in model cement paste, In Brittle matrix composites 8 p.25-35, Woodhead Publishing.
  9. A Metrikine, JA Battjes, GL Kuiper, On the energy transfer at boundaries of translating continua, In Journal of Sound and Vibration Volume 297 p.1107-1113.
  10. C Iacono, LJ Sluys, JGM van Mier, Parameters identification of a nonlocal continuum damage model, In Computational modelling of concrete structures p.353-362, Taylor & Francis.


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