
All publications

  1. Luca Albanesi, Paolo Morandi, Francesco Graziotti, Tiziano li Piani, Andrea Penna, Guido Magenes, Lateral strength Of urm piers: comparison between codified criteria and in-plane test results, In Proceedings of the International Masonry Society Conferences Volume 13 p.1656 - 1667.
  2. Samira Jafari, Rita Esposito, Material characterisation of existing masonryfor URM abacus
  3. Anna Ioannidou Kati, Manuel Santarsiero, Peter de Vries, Sofia Teixeira De Freitas, Rob Nijsse, Christian Louter, Mechanical behaviour of Transparent Structural Silicone Adhesive (TSSA) steel-to-glass laminated connections under monotonic and cyclic loading, In Glass Structures and Engineering Volume 3 p.213-236.
  4. Georgia Skroumpelou, Francesco Messali, Rita Esposito, Jan Rots, Mechanical characterisation of wall tie connection in cavity walls, In 10th Australasian Masonry Conference.
  5. Karel Terwel, Meer Polen op de bouwplaats!
  6. B. Vandoren, A. Simone, Modeling and simulation of quasi-brittle failure with continuous anisotropic stress-based gradient-enhanced damage models, In Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 332 p.644-685.
  7. T. Li Piani, J. Weerheijm, L. Koene, L. J. Sluys, (2018), Modelling the mechanical response of adobe components under uniaxial loading, In Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics XVII Volume 774 KEM p.650-657, Trans Tech Publications.
  8. Tiziano li Piani, Jaap Weerheijm, L. Koene, Lambertus J. Sluys, Modelling the mechanical response of adobe components under uniaxial loadings
  9. I. Puente, R. Lindenbergh, A. Van Natijne, R. Esposito, R. Schipper, (2018), Monitoring of progressive damage in buildings using laser scan data, In International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives Volume 42 p.923-929.
  10. Luis Pereira, Lambertus J. Sluys, Jaap Weerheijm, New damage model to simulate ballistic impact on concrete targets, In Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures p.63-72, CRC Press.


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