
All publications

  1. Maria B. Gaggero, Paul A. Korswagen, Rita Esposito, Jan G. Rots, (2024), Innovative Application of Self-healing Technology to Masonry: A Proof of Concept, In Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions Volume 1 p.332-345, Springer.
  2. Yopi Oktiovan, Anjali Mehrotra, Francesco Messali, Jan Rots, Investigation of the Structural Performance of Masonry Wharf Cellars in Utrecht Using the Distinct Element Method, In Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions Volume 46 p.287-300, Springer.
  3. Hans Wamelink, Charlotte Heesbeen, Marc van den Berg, Roger Feller, Hans Ouwerkerk, Karel Terwel, More Authors, Leidraad Circulair ontwerpen 2.0
  4. I.B.C.M. Rocha, P. Kerfriden, F.P. van der Meer, (2023), Machine learning of evolving physics-based material models for multiscale solid mechanics, In Mechanics of Materials Volume 184.
  5. Karel Terwel, Roy Crielaard, Mapping structural engineering strategies for sustainable development
  6. Xi Li, Francesco Messali, Rita Esposito, (2024), Mechanical Characterisation of Multi-Wythe Masonry Bridge in the City of Amsterdam, In Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions Volume 1 p.527-540, Springer.
  7. Dragan Kovačević, Bharath K. Sundararajan, Frans P. van der Meer, Micromechanical model for off-axis creep rupture in unidirectional composites undergoing finite strains, In Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Volume 176.
  8. Paul A. Korswagen, Michele Longo, Alfonso Prosperi, Jan G. Rots, Karel C. Terwel, (2024), Modelling of Damage in Historical Masonry Façades Subjected to a Combination of Ground Settlement and Vibrations, In Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions Volume 1 p.904-917, Springer.
  9. Ziwei Dai, (2023), Numerical study on the damage, healing and fracture properties of asphalt mixtures
  10. Mehmet Kisa, Ahmed Farahat, Guus Meinema, Diana Portillo Arreguin, Roel Schipper, PRE-for-CEM: Prerequisite Knowledge for Civil Engineering Master


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