
All publications

  1. S.F. Wille, GL Kuiper, A Metrikine, On the dynamic interaction between drifting level ice and moored downward conical structures: a critical assessment of the applicability of a beam model for the ice, In OMAE2011, Rotterdam p.1-15, ASME.
  2. TB Jonsthovel, MB van Gijzen, C Vuik, A Scarpas, On the use of rigid body modes in the deflated preconditioned conjugate gradient method
  3. C Damoni, JA den Uijl, MAN Hendriks, B Belletti, Optimization of NLFE settings for evaluation of shear compression resistance, In Proceedings fib symposium Prague 2011 Concrete engineering for excellence and efficiency p.1-10, Czech concrete society.
  4. AB Cammaert, A Metrikine, JS Hoving, Performance of minimal offshore platforms in ice environments, In International conference on port and ocean engineering under arctic conditions p.1-10, s.n..
  5. P Stroeven, LJ Sluys, LBN Le, H He, Porien in virtueel beton, In Cement: vakblad voor de betonwereld Volume 2011 p.1-4.
  6. A. Kudarova, A Metrikine, Reflection on plane harmonic waves at a plane interface of a semi-infinite lattice and a semi-infinite continuum, In 3rd ECCOMAS thematic conference on computational methods in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering p.1-13, ECCOMAS.
  7. Z Shabir, L Ponson, A Simone, Self-affine scaling of simulated intergranular cracks in brittle poly-crystals, In Proceedings of the second international conference on the extended finite element method - partition of unity enrichment: recent developments and applications - XFEM 2011 p.1-4, Cardiff University.
  8. S Invernizzi, D Trovato, MAN Hendriks, AV van de Graaf, Sequentially linear modellng of local snap-back in extremely brittle structures, In Engineering Structures Volume 33 p.1617-1625.
  9. JG Rots, MAN Hendriks, Sequentially linear versus nonlinear analysis of rc structures, In International conference on recent advances in nonlinear models p.91-100, RAGRAF.
  10. W. de Vries, EOL Lantsoght, PCJ Hoogenboom, JC Walraven, Staafwerkmodellen getoetst, In Cement: vakblad voor de betonwereld Volume 2011 p.1-9.


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