
All publications

  1. Samira Jafari, Jan G. Rots, Rita Esposito, (2022), A correlation study to support material characterisation of typical Dutch masonry structures, In Journal of Building Engineering Volume 45 p.1-14.
  2. Yujue Zhou, Yonglai Zheng, Yongcheng Liu, Tanbo Pan, Yubao Zhou, (2022), A hybrid methodology for structural damage detection uniting FEM and 1D-CNNs: Demonstration on typical high-pile wharf: Demonstration on typical high-pile wharf, In Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Volume 168.
  3. Marianthi Sousamli, Francesco Messali, Jan G. Rots, (2022), A total-strain based orthotropic continuum model for the cyclic nonlinear behavior of unreinforced brick masonry structures, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 123 p.1813-1840.
  4. Daniela Fusco, D. Addessi, F. Messali, J. G. Rots, S. Pampanin, (2022), An Analytical and Numerical Approach for Shear Failure of Pier-Wall Connections in Typical Dutch URM Buildings, In International Journal of Architectural Heritage Volume 17 p.170-189.
  5. Anjali Mehrotra, Andrew Liew, Philippe Block, Matthew J. DeJong, (2022), An Integrated Modelling Approach for the Seismic Collapse Assessment of Masonry Towers, In International Journal of Architectural Heritage Volume 17 p.90-113.
  6. Dongyu Liu, Sanne J. van den Boom, Angelo Simone, Alejandro M. Aragón, (2022), An interface-enriched generalized finite element formulation for locking-free coupling of non-conforming discretizations and contact, In Computational Mechanics Volume 70 p.477-499.
  7. Jian Zhang, Elena Zhebel, Sanne J. van den Boom, Dongyu Liu, Alejandro M. Aragón, (2022), An object-oriented geometric engine design for discontinuities in unfitted/immersed/enriched finite element methods, In International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Volume 123 p.5126-5154.
  8. Elias Saraiva Barroso, Leonardo Gonçalves Ribeiro, Marina Alves Maia, I.B.C.M. Rocha, Evandro Parente, Antônio Macário Cartaxo de Melo, (2022), BIOS: an object-oriented framework for Surrogate-Based Optimization using bio-inspired algorithms, In Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Volume 65.
  9. J. H. Nielsen, Jan Belis, C. Louter, M. Overend, J Schneider, (2022), Celebrating the international year of glass, In Glass Structures and Engineering Volume 7.
  10. J. Belis, C. Louter, J. H. Nielsen, J. Schneider, M. Overend, (2022), Challenging glass, In Glass Structures and Engineering Volume 7 p.119-120.


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