
15 April 2021

New staff member in the Ports and Waterways section

We welcome dr. Alex Kirichek as a new assistant professor to the section of Ports & Waterways.

08 April 2021

Grimburgwal provides lessons for quay wall renovations Amsterdam

Grimburgwal provides lessons for quay wall renovations Amsterdam

On September 1, 2020, part of the quay of the Grimburgwal in Amsterdam collapsed. The primary causes appear to be the different construction of the narrow quay, the locally deeper canal bed, and the weakening of masonry due to collisions. This is the result of the research conducted by a research team composed of experts from TU Delft, Deltares, AMS Institute, and SkyGEO, led by Mandy Korff (TU Delft/Deltares), on behalf of the City of Amsterdam. The full report with conclusions and recommendations for other quay walls in the city was published by the City of Amsterdam on April 8, 2021.

08 April 2021

Zandkastelen bouwen voor je afstuderen

Zandkastelen bouwen voor je afstuderen

Jasper Scheijmans, master student Civil Engineering, wilde eigenlijk bij een grote baggeraar afstuderen, maar Covid-19 gooide roet in het eten. Samen met zijn docenten bedacht hij een heel nieuw idee: containers inzetten voor duinonderzoek.

25 March 2021

Sweet solutions to a salty problem

Sweet solutions to a salty problem

Fringing coral reefs provide a sheltered habitat for many sea animals and are a snorkelers’ paradise. But they also form a natural barrier which protects the shoreline and the area further inland. Experiments using 3D printed replicas of a coral are helping Marion Tissier gain an insight into how coral reefs influence and dampen wave energy.

24 March 2021

New Webmaster Hydraulic Engineering

New Webmaster Hydraulic Engineering

Victor Gallardo Torres is the new webmaster of the hydraulic engineering department. He replaces Paulina Kindermann who will be gratuating soon.

11 February 2021

Faculty fund award for the GeoScience & GeoEnergy Webinar series

Faculty fund award for the GeoScience & GeoEnergy Webinar series

Hadi Hajibeygi was awarded €7500,- from a faculty fund in support of his initiative GeoScience & GeoEnergy Webinar series, to make science accessible for a wider audience.

22 January 2021

Well prepared for future disasters

Yesterday Ernst Kuijpers, Marion Koopmans and Ahmed Aboutaleb presented the Pandemics and Disaster Preparedness Center (PDPC) of TU Delft, Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam during the television programme Jinek. Many researchers from the faculty of CEG are involved, including Prof. Bas Jonkman (for his expertise on floods and their impact) and Prof. Serge Hoogendoorn (for his knowledge of the role of mobility in infectious diseases).

22 January 2021

Well prepared for future disasters

Yesterday Ernst Kuijpers, Marion Koopmans and Ahmed Aboutaleb presented the Pandemics and Disaster Preparedness Center (PDPC) of TU Delft, Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam during the television programme Jinek. Many researchers are involved, including dr. Tina Comes and prof. Pieter van Gelder. This knowledge centre brings together top scientists with knowledge of pandemic threats and climate-related calamities.

15 January 2021

How coral reefs are affected by pollution

How coral reefs are affected by pollution

We know that coral reefs worldwide are in decline, but remarkably little is known about how exactly this happens. That is why a multidisciplinary team of Dutch and Caribbean researchers, including TU Delft’s Boris van Breukelen, will investigate this in the coming years. The project ‘SEALINK’ was recently awarded 3,5 million euros of funding as part of the Caribbean Research programme of the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

23 December 2020

New staff member in River Engineering section

Laura Maria Stancanelli started as an Assistant Professor in the River Engineering group of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering. Welcome!