
22 February 2019

New MSc graduation topic at Deltares

Topic: field measurements on scour by propeller jets

22 February 2019

MSc thesis at AXA PARIS on modelling of coastal flooding due to Tropical Cyclones

Objective: To assess tropical cyclone (TC) risk by developing a TC database with a hydraulic model combined with probabilistic or machine learning techniques

15 February 2019

Bas Hofland appointed as Associate Professor

From the first of February, Bas Hofland has been appointed by the dean as Associate Professor Coastal Structures. Congratulations!

20 January 2019

New Director of Studies and member of Board of examiners from Hydraulic Engineering Department

Tjerk Zitman is the new director of studies of Civil Engineering and Kristina Reinders is a new member of the Board of Examiners. Congratulations!

20 January 2019

Oceanograp­hers in the wake of My Little Ponies

Oceanograp­hers in the wake of My Little Ponies

The shipping crates that fell from a container ship in the North Sea last week could be a blessing in disguise for oceanographers.

02 January 2019

Ileen van den Berg wins 'KNW scriptieprijs'

The 'Waternetwerk Scriptieprijs' is awarded every year during the KNW Autum Congress. It is initiated to help HBO- and WO-students to profile themselves in the water sector. The Master's prize 2018 has been won by Ileen van den Berg for her thesis 'Effect of irregularities in the under layer on the stability of XblocPlus concrete armour unit'.

03 December 2018

Marcel Stive receives Jiangsu Friendship Award

In September, Marcel Stive received the Jiangsu Friendship Award from the governor of the province of Jiangsu (China).

23 November 2018

TU Delft researchers visit Great Barrier Reef to rehabilitate coral

TU Delft researchers visit Great Barrier Reef to rehabilitate coral

This week a team of researchers from TU Delft, Van Oord and Australia’s national science agency CSIRO are travelling to the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia to test a new method for the large-scale rehabilitation of coral.

09 November 2018

Deltacongres 2018

On the first of November, the ninth edition of the delta congress took place in Zwolle. At the congress it was busier than ever.

01 October 2018

Nomination for Dutch Data Price 2018

During summer, the jury of the Dutch Data price 2018 have reviewed almost 50 submissions and the HANZE dataset (Historical Analysis of Natural Hazards in Europe) has been nominated as one of the nine contestents. This dataset is from reseacher Dominik Paprotny who published a paper on this dataset.