
124 results

19 November 2018

Subsidence in the Netherlands greater than expected

Subsidence in the Netherlands greater than expected

Subsidence in The Netherlands is much greater than expected, according to data from the new Dutch Land Subsidence Map presented this week.

15 November 2018

NWO funds 5 CEG research projects into deep subsurface processes under the Netherlands

NWO funds 5 CEG research projects into deep subsurface processes under the Netherlands

NWO awarded more than 4 million euros to 5 innovative research projects from the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) for research into the effect of human interventions deep under the ground.

04 November 2018

Inaugural speech prof. Bas van de Wiel - The Nighttime Weather: a piece of cake?

Inaugural speech prof. Bas van de Wiel - The Nighttime Weather: a piece of cake?

Our daily weather has always intrigued many of us. From day to day we experience how the continuously changing weather patterns affect our ongoing activities and plans. On a sunny moment we may decide to go for a nice walk in the park, while a few hours later after a heavy thunderstorm we have to repair our roof.

02 October 2018

Beihang Confers Honorary Professorship to Professor Peter J.G. Teunissen, Fellow of KNAW

Beihang Confers Honorary Professorship to Professor Peter J.G. Teunissen, Fellow of KNAW

On the afternoon of September 26th, the appointment ceremony of Peter J.G. Teunissen, a professor of Satellite Navigation at Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), as an honorary professor at Beihang University was held.

26 September 2018

Two TU Delft proposals chosen to compete in ESA Earth Explorer mission

Two TU Delft proposals chosen to compete in ESA Earth Explorer mission

TU Delft has provided two of the three proposals that are competing for the tenth Earth Explorer mission by ESA, which is planned for 2027-2028. The Earth Explorer missions are aimed at Earth observation, one of the important aims of the European Space Agency (ESA).