News archive

47909 results

22 August 2022

20 million EU Grant for research underground heat storage

20 million EU Grant for research underground heat storage

The EU aims to have a net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) economy by 2050. At present, heating and cooling represent around 50% of the final energy demand in Europe and are for a large part supplied by fossil fuel derived energy. Large scale seasonal heat storage is a key strategy to decarbonize heating in order to achieve EU ambitions, because sustainable sources like geothermal and solar provide a lot of heat in summer, while we need it in winter. The PUSH-IT consortium receives this Horizon Europe grant to demonstrate and develop such heat storage systems. PUSH-IT stands for Piloting Underground Seasonal Heat Storage In geothermal reservoirs.

17 June 2022

Well-behaved piles

Well-behaved piles

What happens to a foundation pile once it is in the ground? How much weight can a foundation pile sustain? And furthermore, what is the effect of the different soil layers on the pile? PhD Kevin Duffy is researching the behaviour of foundation piles in typical Dutch soil conditions. His goal? Not only to keep safety levels and standards high, but also to make a contribution towards reducing CO2 emissions associated with the production and installation of these piles.

07 June 2022

TU Delft CEG research on future-proof bridges and quay awarded by National Research Agenda

TU Delft CEG research on future-proof bridges and quay awarded by National Research Agenda

Within the Dutch National Research Agenda (NWA) 'Bridges and Quay Walls in Urban Areas' one of the research projects has been awarded to associate professor Mandy Korff, researcher at TU Delft Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) and Deltares. The research, 'live insights for bridges and quay walls,' shortened to 'LiveQuay'.

31 May 2022

Geothermal source on TU Delft campus a step closer

Geothermal source on TU Delft campus a step closer

De urgentie van de energietransitie neemt elke dag verder toe. De CO2-uitstoot moet in 2030 met 55% verminderd zijn ten opzichte van 1990 en 1,5 miljoen huishoudens moeten dan aardgasvrij zijn. Dat vraagt om concrete actie. Zo’n tien jaar geleden kreeg een groep TU Delft studenten het idee om een geothermische bron op de universiteitscampus te boren. Wat eerst een wild plan leek, werd in gang gezet toen bleek dat de campus een ideale plek voor geothermie was.

24 May 2022

Climate change also measured by the sound of glaciers

Climate change also measured by the sound of glaciers

In winter, glaciers are silent. But in the summer, it turns out that they generate infrasound through calving ice and meltwater. This is an inaudible sound to humans, but is picked up by high resolution measuring instruments.