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47114 results

23 December 2018

Vacancies for 15 Phd candidates: Investigating subsurface processes in the Netherlands

Vacancies for 15 Phd candidates: Investigating subsurface processes in the Netherlands

NWO awarded more than 4 million euros to 5 innovative research projects from the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) for research into the effect of human interventions deep under the ground. The research programme DeepNL seeks to improve the fundamental understanding of deep subsurface dynamics that occur under the influence of human interventions such as gas production and geological storage of CO2.

07 December 2018

Sponsorship for Assistant/Associate Professor Geothermal Science and Engineering

Sponsorship for Assistant/Associate Professor Geothermal Science and Engineering

During the Geothermal Get-Together on 29 November 2018, it was announced that research on Geothermal Science and Engineering at TU Delft got another boost. A consortium of seven partners signed a certificate for sponsoring an Assistant/Associate Professor.

15 November 2018

NWO funds 5 CEG research projects into deep subsurface processes under the Netherlands

NWO funds 5 CEG research projects into deep subsurface processes under the Netherlands

NWO awarded more than 4 million euros to 5 innovative research projects from the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG) for research into the effect of human interventions deep under the ground.

09 November 2018

Hadi Hajibeygi Innovative Teaching Talent 2018

Hadi Hajibeygi Innovative Teaching Talent 2018

Hadi Hajibeygi, assistant professor in the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences has been elected Innovative Teaching Talent 2018. He lectures on the courses, Reservoir Simulation, Rock Fluid Physics and Advanced Reservoir Simulation, and set up the DARSIM research group.

31 October 2018

Geothermal research at TU Delft gets a boost

Geothermal research at TU Delft gets a boost

While most people did not think about heating their houses during the last hot summer months, researchers at TU Delft did exactly that (and not just the last months). Scientists involved in geothermal research have good reasons to look forward: the Board of the University has made a decision-in-principle for a next step towards realising a geothermal research well.