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12 October 2020

Three NWO grants for earth observation

Three NWO grants for earth observation

NWO has awarded funding to four new research proposals of TU Delft in the area of earth observation. Three of these are from researchers of Civil Engineering & Geosciences (CEG). The researchers involved will receive the grant from the User Support Programme Space Research, which the Netherlands Space Office NSO realises on behalf of NWO.

02 October 2020

Triceratops ‘Skull 21’ exhibition

Triceratops ‘Skull 21’ exhibition

The restoration of a Triceratops skull is the subject of an exhibition at the Science Centre Delft from October 3. The skull – dubbed ‘Skull 21’ - formed part of the collection at the Mineralogical & Geological Museum brought together by staff of the former faculty of Mining (now Geoscience & Engineering). The skull was damaged when it was transported from Wyoming (USA) to the Netherlands in 1950 and has now been restored to its former glory.

11 June 2020

Help from an unexpected quarter: geosciences data techniques can help predict corona spread

Help from an unexpected quarter: geosciences data techniques can help predict corona spread

An international team of scientists is studying the possibility of using data assimilation, a data technique from geosciences, to predict the spread of coronavirus and the efficacy of certain measures. TU Delft geoscientists on the team think that data assimilation might prove a useful tool for the RIVM epidemiologists. A paper on the subject has been submitted to scientific journal Foundations of Data Science.

02 June 2020

Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations

Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations

A fund of 3.4M€ has been awarded by the European Commission to a project on geothermal energy, that will be led by researcher Maren Brehme (TU Delft). The project entitled ‘EASYGO: Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations‘ is one of the Innovative Training Networks meant for extraordinary global research as well as excellent training opportunities for PhD candidates to reach doctorate level.

12 May 2020

The KNAW fund for project MiMo

The KNAW fund for project MiMo

The project MiMo – Misi Monitoring received funding from KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen) for a Dutch – Indonesian collaboration on geothermal energy. It will be led by Assistant Professor Maren Brehme in a strong cooperation with the TBM faculty.