News & Events

08 November 2018

Sustainable critical materials

Critical materials are materials which we need for current and future product technologies, but which are now or soon difficult to acquire. BK Bouwkunde is part of the consortium SusCritMat, which aims to educate people from industry and academia about important aspects on critical materials.

30 October 2018

Symposium The Circular Built Environment – Anatomy of the AMC

On 22 November, architects, engineers, researchers, professors and students will speak about circular deployment, approach and renovation of existing buildings and their environment. The largest building in the Netherlands – the AMC - serves as a case study.

18 September 2018

New Circular Economy MOOC launched on coursera

Together with partner universities, TU Delft has launched a new MOOC (massive open online course) 'Circular Economy - Sustainable Materials Management'. The course is currently open for enrollment (for free), and will begin on 12th November, 2018.

03 September 2018

Autumn school: Sustainable Management of Critical Raw Materials

From 24 to 26 October 2018, the SusCritMat Autumn School will take place at the TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. Registration possible until 7 September.

12 July 2018

Circularity in 2050: how?

The Netherlands will have to develop towards a circular economy before 2050. But what does this mean, is it even possible, and which challenges will we have to tackle in order to achieve a circular economy? That is the subject of the recent publication ‘Circularity – on the road to 2050?’.