
08 November 2018

BK alumna Hedwig van der Linden wins NRP Master Award 2018

BK alumna Hedwig van der Linden wins NRP Master Award 2018

Hedwig van der Linden graduated with her project ‘Expedition Rotterdam – or the revival of the hidden Reconstruction City’. Her project has been awarded with the NRP Master Award 2018 for her original and innovative attitude towards transformation and renovation.

08 November 2018

Hans de Jonge awarded with Hudig Medal

Hans de Jonge (MBE) received the medal for his work towards expanding the professional field of public housing and town planning with building, project, and area development, and his attention for the management and exploitation phases of the building process.

08 November 2018

Alumna Sarah Heemskerk wins silver IPMA award

Sarah Heemskerk graduated with a thesis on applied leadership styles on various contract types. She researched how the leadership style of project managers connects to the rise of integrated contracts in the sector.

08 November 2018

Crossing parallels with Philip Beesley

Crossing parallels with Philip Beesley

Students from BK Bouwkunde and the faculty of Industrial Design will develop a large scale, immersive interactive installation with artist and architect Philip Beesley. From 17 - 25 November 2018, the installation will be on display at the TU Delft Science Centre.

08 November 2018

Every climate requires its own solar cooling

Every climate requires its own solar cooling

The cooling of buildings slurps energy and is primarily aimed at combating the effects of the sun. Can solar energy and heat not be used for cooling? PhD candidate Alejandro Prieto Hoces discovered that solar cooling offers opportunities, but it rarely is a final solution. Just start with good sunscreens.

08 November 2018

How to renovate apartment blocks in Chile

How to renovate apartment blocks in Chile

In Chili bezitten veel mensen een appartement, maar lang niet iedereen kan het ook onderhouden. Dat leidt tot ernstig verval. De woningsector heeft dienstverleners nodig die technische hulp, maar ook conflictbemiddeling verzorgen, concludeert promovenda Luz María Vergara D'Alencon.

01 November 2018

Archiprix selection 2019 announced

Archiprix selection 2019 announced

Every autumn, the best gradation projects of BK Bouwkunde are selected and exhibited at the BK Expo. The jury selected the nine best projects to compete in the Archiprix, the leading annual competition for upcoming design talent.

25 October 2018

Peter Boelhouwer appointed to Advisory Committee

Peter Boelhouwer (OTB) is one of three experts appointed in an Advisory Committee to the Dutch Ministry of Economics and Climate. Together, these experts will give their expert opinion to the Ministry on the value and value decline of housing in the earthquake area of Groningen.

25 October 2018

Three BK projects at Dutch Design Week 2018

Three BK projects at Dutch Design Week 2018

Glass bricks from recycled glass in organic shapes, designs for a hyperloop station in Amsterdam, and a chaise longue created from 3D robotic printing. These three projects from students and researchers of Architectural Engineering & Technology are now on display at the Dutch Design Week 2018.

25 October 2018

Take a swing on the Glass Swing

Take a swing on the Glass Swing

Researchers from BK Bouwkunde TU Delft developed a functioning glass swing, together with Arup, Schott, and RAMLAB. Users of the Glass Swing are able to interact with the structure, a showcase of the structural potential of glass.