
20 December 2018

Re-using heritage for sustainable human well-being

Re-using heritage for sustainable human well-being

Uta Pottgiesser has been appointed Professor of Heritage & Technology. She will continue the cutting-edge research programme on the technical aspects of architectural heritage, which is vital for the sound restoration of historical buildings.

20 December 2018

Two research projects into Smart Urban Regions of the Future

Two research projects into Smart Urban Regions of the Future

The knowledge programme Smart Urban Regions of the Future deals with societal challenges. Two research projects from BK Bouwkunde have been funded in the latest round of the SURF knowledge programme: research into future spatial patterns of grocery shopping and research into sustainable urban riverfronts.

20 December 2018

Delta policies: assess spatial quality first, then find the best solution

Delta policies: assess spatial quality first, then find the best solution

Spatial quality is still too often neglected in interventions to keep the water out. That is unnecessary, concludes PhD candidate Anne Loes Nillesen. First list the technical possibilities, then develop an integrated solution in consultation with all relevant parties.

12 December 2018

Gran Finale BK Booths

Gran Finale BK Booths

During the last week of the Venice Biennale, BK Bouwkunde organised a closing ceremony of research exhibition BK Booths. Content makers, current students and colleagues, alumni, and professionals gathered at Palazzo Mora to discover the BK Booths.

06 December 2018

Circular economies for resilient islands

Circular economies for resilient islands

The Resilient Island Foundation was founded by five students of BK Bouwkunde. Their goal is to implement a circular economy of food and waste in the world’s most isolated communities. Their first project ‘Maldives Matter’ was selected as one of the five finalists at the TEDx Award in Amsterdam, out of 200 applications.

06 December 2018

Professionalisation of the architectural field

Professionalisation of the architectural field

In the eyes of many practitioners, the architectural profession is undergoing a process of devaluation. To shed light on long-term trends within the profession, BK Bouwkunde starts a sociologic study on professionalisation of practitioners in architecture in collaboration with the ArchiScienza Foundation. This foundation stimulates activities on the intersection of architecture and science in the widest sense.

06 December 2018

Collection of natural stones in online library

Collection of natural stones in online library

Together with the Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency (CHA), BK Bouwkunde TU Delft developed a digital natural stone library. The considerable collections of natural stone of both the RCE and the TU Delft are now easily accessible. Thus, identification and application of natural stone becomes more effortless for architects, conservators, and researchers.

22 November 2018

Housing Market Thesis Award 2018 for two TU Delft alumni

Every year, the Dutch Ministry of Internal Affairs awards the best master thesis on the housing market. Janneke Michielsen, alumna of the faculty of TBM, was awarded the first prize. The second prize was awarded to alumnus Martijn Nawroth, who graduated with a thesis on future proofing the housing stock of the municipality of Zoetermeer.

22 November 2018

Research on narratives of the European city receives COST grant

The proposal ‘Writing Urban Places. New narratives of the European city’ has been accepted as COST Action proposal. Klaske Havik (Architecture) leads the consortium, aiming to collect current initiatives of scholars addressing urban change from the crossing point of literary studies, urban studies and architecture. The goal is to offer a conceptual framework and operative tools to analyse urban narratives and to share knowledge with city makers.

22 November 2018

Enabling web access to geodata calls for compromises

Enabling web access to geodata calls for compromises

Geodata open up opportunities for countless new applications, but the true potential remains untapped. Open datasets from the geo-world are not sufficiently compatible with standard search engines or access to them is restricted. According to PhD candidate Linda van den Brink, there are both technological and social obstacles that need to be overcome.