
24 October 2019

Archiprix selection 2020 announced

Archiprix selection 2020 announced

Every year, the best gradation projects of the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are selected and exhibited at the BK Expo. The jury selected the nine best projects to compete in the Dutch Archiprix, the leading annual competition for upcoming design talent.

24 October 2019

“For a professor of Building Law, a university of technology is the place to be.”

“For a professor of Building Law, a university of technology is the place to be.”

On 25 October, Monika Chao-Duives gives her farewell speech as Professor of Building Law. Within ‘The case of the melting dinosaur’, she will focus on the emergence of integrated types of contracts. But she will start by looking back at fifteen years as professor, making a final plea for basic knowledge of law to be made compulsory for every professional practitioner in the field of architecture and the built environment.

17 October 2019

Inhabiting a living house

Inhabiting a living house

Living in a living fungus: as far as Bob Hendrikx is concerned, this should soon be possible. A life-size, tactile test setup of his graduation project will be on show during Dutch Design Week 2019.

09 October 2019

First graduation ceremony MSc MADE

The first cohort of MSc MADE students has graduated. With classes on metropolitan challenges, entrepreneurial skills and data analysis in the urban context, the graduates have developed to be the first generation of metropolitan innovators.

09 October 2019

“Structures have a service life, but what about their afterlife?”

“Structures have a service life, but what about their afterlife?”

Mauro Overend has been appointed Professor of Structural Design & Mechanics at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. “Guaranteeing safety whilst using resources more efficiently, that’s the main objective.”

09 October 2019

Extensive research on education innovation

Extensive research on education innovation

Within the research programme ‘Research on education innovation’, BK Bouwkunde structurally looks into opportunities to innovate, improve, monitor, and research education. The 4TU Centre for Engineering Education has granted € 105.000 to both BK Bouwkunde and the faculty Industrial Design Engineering to set up, carry out, and extend three projects and one event to further develop and share knowledge.

09 October 2019

Galileo satellites for better cadastral land surveys

Galileo satellites for better cadastral land surveys

With Galileo, the new European Global Satellite Navigation System, cadastral measurements can be conducted real-time in the field. With the possibility for on-field boundary determination, conducting cadastral surveys becomes more efficient. Researchers received a H2020 grant to further improve the availability of the system and to integrate land surveys in the cadastral workflow.

08 October 2019

Facilitating Circular Economy in Urban Planning

Researchers of BK Bouwkunde contributed to the special issue ‘Facilitating Circular Economy in Urban Planning’ of the open access journal ‘Urban Planning’.

26 September 2019

Award nomination for research into glass production

Award nomination for research into glass production

Student Ivneet Singh has been selected as one the finalists for the ‘ECHO Award Bèta techniek’. He has been working on a new way of producing glass to make complete transparent structures in large-scale public spaces. His dedication and approach to his complex and challenging graduation project resulted in his nomination.

26 September 2019

‘Northbound’ documentary at Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam

‘Northbound’ documentary at Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam

Two Urbanism graduates have been selected to display their documentary ‘Northbound’ at the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam 2019. The documentary about Europe’s most northern province Finnmark in Norway focusses on the pressure of incoming extractive industries in the Arctic on the landscape and local cultures.