
09 February 2021

Architecture student award winner ECIO Frank Award for more inclusive education

Architecture student award winner ECIO Frank Award for more inclusive education

Tess Tegelberg, master student, won the ECIO Frank Award with her thesis on how to design better study buildings at the TU. Her conclusion is that designing for students with functional disabilities creates places that are more pleasant for everyone.

06 February 2021

Satisfaction homeworkers and the lack of a coffee machine

Satisfaction homeworkers and the lack of a coffee machine

How do the Dutch experience the corona measures in their workplace and working from home? Students from the master course Case Studies at the Department of Management of the Built Environment (MBE) put this question into research in cooperation with HEYDAY - facility management. As part of their course, they interviewed employees of a health insurance company, a chemical company, and a municipality.

01 February 2021

TU Delft develops 'brains' for buildings

TU Delft develops 'brains' for buildings

A large consortium led by TU Delft is going to provide ‘brains’ to buildings. The Dutch Minis-try of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has allocated 6.9 million euro to the Brains 4 Build-ings project. The objective of the project is to contribute to the development of smart meth-ods and algorithms that add operational intelligence to buildings, in order to make them as energy efficient and comfortable as possible. Professor and scientific coordinator Laure Itard: “Buildings’ energy systems have become so complex that their real time control cannot be achieved by traditional methods. We need much clever approaches using the potential of machine learning and artificial intelligence.”

26 January 2021

Headquarters of DOCOMOMO International coming to TU Delft

Headquarters of DOCOMOMO International coming to TU Delft

At the end of the 1980s, many modern masterpieces had already been demolished or had changed beyond recognition. This was mainly due to the fact, that many were not considered to be elements of heritage, that their original functions had substantially changed and that their technological innovations had not always endured long-term stresses.

26 January 2021

The Future of Port City Regions

The Future of Port City Regions

What does the future of the port city of Rotterdam look like? How do you maintain the identity of a city in transition, with a growing number of inhabitants, spatial, economic and political interests? For whom does the gentrification of a neighbourhood take place? These are some of the questions studied by the researchers of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus PortCityFutures programme.

13 January 2021

NWO budget for "Eilande(rs)n aan het Roer"

NWO budget for "Eilande(rs)n aan het Roer"

The programme "Eilande(rs)n aan het Roer" has been awarded a budget from NWO. In this programme researchers and social partners from the Caribbean and Dutch parts of the kingdom work together to bring together technical, traditional and contemporary knowledge practices.

07 January 2021

Andy van den Dobbelsteen appointed Sustainability Coordinator

Andy van den Dobbelsteen appointed Sustainability Coordinator

The Executive Board has appointed Professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen as TU Delft Sustainability Coordinator with effect from 1 January 2021.

15 December 2020

The Netherlands is not prepared for protecting heritage against climate change

The Netherlands is not prepared for protecting heritage against climate change

Climate change has major consequences for cultural heritage: pile foundations of historic buildings are deteriorating, and structures, landscapes and archaeological sites are in danger of flooding. The time for action is now, but the Netherlands is not ready for it, says researcher Dr Sandra Fatorić.

09 December 2020

Existing neighbourhoods energy-neutral thanks to innovative solar heat network

Existing neighbourhoods energy-neutral thanks to innovative solar heat network

A solar heat network has proven to be technically and financially feasible for making existing neighbourhoods more sustainable and natural gas-free, as demonstrated by a consortium led by TU Delft

08 December 2020

2020 edX Prize for TU Delft online course on energy-neutral buildings

2020 edX Prize for TU Delft online course on energy-neutral buildings

Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Eric van den Ham and Tess Blom (Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment) are the winners of the 2020 edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Online Teaching and Learning, with their online course “Zero-Energy Design: an approach to make your building sustainable”. Their MOOC is designed to help participants figure out which energy measures can be applied to make their buildings (more) sustainable and zero-energy consuming.