
06 May 2021

What is that pink rabbit doing at the market?

What is that pink rabbit doing at the market?

Starting in November, in 10 weeks students from the Architecture Minor Archineering designed a pavilion for the Delft Fringe Festival. A pavilion where ticket sales, meeting and performances take place. The bright pink Delft Fringe Rabbit is the winning design of students Bartek Kotlicki and Ben Provan-Bessel. The pavilion design is so strong that the Delft Fringe Festival is going to use it as a new logo.

05 May 2021

Project ODECO: Data is key to the success of information economies

Project ODECO: Data is key to the success of information economies

The value of the European data economy has been assessed to be €739 billion, and highly likely to grow significantly in the coming years. Especially when data is shared openly with the public, more value is expected to be created. However, current developments in the field of open data are characterised as highly fragmented. The TU Delft project ‘Towards a sustainable Open Data ECOsystem’ (ODECO) has been granted as one of the 147 projects funding by the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie action Innovative Training Networks.

02 May 2021

Restaurants at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are the first to offer fully vegetarian menu

Restaurants at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are the first to offer fully vegetarian menu

Sustainability is a high priority at TU Delft. Not only is it a common thread in many of the university’s education, research and valorisation activities - the university is also taking steps towards making the campus more sustainable. In this regard, the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment is the first faculty which offers an entirely vegetarian menu at Ketelhuis starting 3 May. When the other food & beverage facilities at the faculty reopen, their assortment will also be fully vegetarian.

16 April 2021

A look beyond the renovation works with Virtual Reality

A look beyond the renovation works with Virtual Reality

Major home renovation projects often cause uncertainty and stress for the residents of social rental homes. Residents - sometimes due to a language barrier - often do not understand the impact of renovation works, find it difficult to make choices, and have little faith in the project. The use of interactive virtual reality (VR) changes this.

16 April 2021

Strandeiland - Involving citizens in urban development processes

Strandeiland - Involving citizens in urban development processes

Strandeiland is the newest artificial island in the IJburg archipelago in the IJmeer, on the east side of Amsterdam. The island is currently being constructed. With 8,000 homes, Strandeiland is one of the largest future urban districts in Amsterdam. At Strandeiland the DemoS project aims to create an inclusive community of future Strandeilanders. Particularly exciting: new methods are explored to involve residents in the area development process.

16 April 2021

Imagination of the Zuiderwaterlinie

Imagination of the Zuiderwaterlinie

The Zuiderwaterlinie (Southern Water Line) is one of the oldest and longest water defence lines in The Netherlands. The line connects Bergen op Zoom to Grave. The line has a long history with specific stories of war and peace from the past until now. In the past academic year, students made plans to develop this military heritage for the future. The purpose of the student plans is to show what possibilities the Zuiderwaterlinie offers for the future of Noord-Brabant.

16 April 2021

Apply now for INDESEM 2021 'Datascape'

This year INDESEM 2021 will take place 29th of May – 3rd of June. The program of the INDESEM seminar week consists of lectures, excursions and a workshop, all organized around a specific contemporary theme. Every edition of the seminar aims to raise awareness about this theme and its consequences for the architectural practice. This year we will explore the topic ‘Datascape’. How could data – about how people live, breathe and move through the projects we create - influence our future architectural designs?

14 April 2021

A Manifesto for the Just City: a book

Justice is a crucial dimension for sustainable cities and communities. Recent systemic shocks including climate change, the pandemic, a general erosion of democratic norms and more have prompted a rethinking and conceptualisation of the Just City in this light. A Manifesto for the Just City includes texts by a number of guest authors and 43 manifestos written by students from 25 universities around the world.

08 April 2021

Monuments Study Award won by alumna Iris Moons

Monuments Study Award won by alumna Iris Moons

Iris Moons, alumnus van onze faculteit, wint de WTA NL-VL Monumentenstudieprijs. Zij is afgestudeerd met het onderwerp “Management van religieus erfgoed – een accommodatiestrategie voor Nederlandse kerken” en werd tijdens haar afstuderen begeleid door prof. Alexandra den Heijer en prof. Ana Pereira Roders.

07 April 2021

All 10 million buildings in the Netherlands available as 3D models

All 10 million buildings in the Netherlands available as 3D models

Wind turbulence in an office district, noise nuisance from an industrial park, horizon-polluting windmills near a residential area, blinding light in classrooms. Often unexpected, such things can range from being a nuisance to highly annoying after a construction has been completed. We can now more easily simulate these effects on the living environment before construction, as detailed 3D data is now available for all 10 million buildings in the Netherlands.