
28 August 2023

‘Kom Kijken’: an exhibition about Antoni van Leeuwenhoek designed by five students

‘Kom Kijken’: an exhibition about Antoni van Leeuwenhoek designed by five students

Today, the exhibition ‘Kom Kijken’ opens in the Oude Kerk in Delft. It celebrates both the life and work of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek as well as microbiological research as a whole. The exhibition is the culmination of over a year of effort from artists, designers, and a construction team. Integral to the project were the design and marketing by students at the TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.

10 August 2023

Development of housing market fits within normal seasonal pattern

Development of housing market fits within normal seasonal pattern

The second quarter of 2023 shows positive purchase price trends, as well as a higher number of mortgages taken out and homes sold. This fits within the usual seasonal pattern of the owner-occupied housing market. Therefore, this cannot yet be seen as the definitive reversal of the current correction in the owner-occupied housing market. However, there are indications that a free fall in transactions and prices is not to be expected in the coming months.

17 July 2023

TU Delft launches online course Sustainable Building with Timber

TU Delft launches online course Sustainable Building with Timber

“The way we construct our buildings needs to change.” says Arjan van Timmeren professor of Environmental Technology & Design at TU Delft. Over 35% of our global greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to the built environment. A third of that amount is specifically related to the production of abiotic (non-renewable) materials such as concrete, metals and plastics. The associated challenges are not only climate related, but also concern resource scarcity, health and housing provision.

14 July 2023

Inaugural address Zef Hemel: Beautiful Countryside, an Odyssey.'

Inaugural address Zef Hemel: Beautiful Countryside, an Odyssey.'

In his Delft research on the revitalization of city and country, particularly Groningen and Friesland, Zef Hemel wants to take the northern landscape with its rich history of habitation as a starting point. In the coming climate change, we must prepare for sea level rise, salinization, flooding, heat and intense drought.

28 June 2023

Urban Design professors build bridge between university and practice

Urban Design professors build bridge between university and practice

De Faculteit Bouwkunde heeft twee nieuwe deeltijdhoogleraren bij de sectie Urban Design aangesteld: Anne Loes Nillesen en Tess Broekmans. Met hun praktijkervaring brengen ze waardevolle inzichten naar de academische wereld én andersom. “De TU Delft speelt een cruciale rol bij het aanpakken van grote maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Daar hebben we goede ontwerpers voor nodig.”

21 June 2023

Valedictory Lecture by Professor Thijs Asselbergs ‘about the new architect'

Valedictory Lecture by Professor Thijs Asselbergs ‘about the new architect'

To mark the retirement of Thijs Asselbergs as professor of Architectural Engineering (AE&T), TU Delft's Faculty of Architecture is organising the 'Day of the New Architect' symposium in the Oostserre on Tuesday 4 July. At 16:00, Thijs will deliver his Valedictory Lecture 'about the new architect'. "I don't see this farewell as an end, but as a new beginning."

20 June 2023

Climate change as a game – Comenius Grant for Laura Cipriani

Climate change as a game – Comenius Grant for Laura Cipriani

With her proposal Climate change as a game. (Co)designing with children the landscape of the future, Laura Cipriani has won the prestigious Comenius Teaching Fellowship Grant 2023. With this grant she can put her vision on educational innovation into practice.

19 June 2023

Obituary notice professor Tillmann Klein

Obituary notice professor Tillmann Klein

Last Saturday the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment received the sad news that our valued and warm hearted colleague professor Tillmann Klein passed away after a long battle with cancer on 17 June 2023 in Rotterdam. Our hearts and thoughts go out to Tillmann’s wife Usch, son Jakob, family, friends, his colleagues and students. We wish them strength in this difficult time of unimaginable loss.

15 June 2023

Finding Blind Spots in the Historiography of Architecture and Urban Design

Finding Blind Spots in the Historiography of Architecture and Urban Design

Shedding light on underexposed aspects of architecture and urban design in the twentieth century. That is what is envisioned by Janina Gosseye, Professor of Building Ideologies as of March 2023. She considers means such as graphic novels and oral sources to be very well suited to this. “How do political, social and economic developments influence our built environment? What does this mean for residents, commissioning parties, architects and contractors?”

15 June 2023

TU Delft’s Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Pension Fund PME and Achmea Real Estate start Biobased Design Team

TU Delft’s Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Pension Fund PME and Achmea Real Estate start Biobased Design Team

On 14 June, Dick van Gameren, dean of TU Delft's Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (A+BE), Eric Uijen of Pension Fund PME and Mascha Hendrickx of Achmea Real Estate signed a cooperation agreement at the Provada real estate fair. Thanks in part to the support of PME and Achmea Real Estate, a team of scientists, including a prospective professor, at TU Delft's A+BE Faculty will be able to start honing their knowledge and expertise of designing buildings made from wood and other biobased materials.