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04 March 2020

TU Delft proud of high positions in the global QS Subject Ranking

TU Delft proud of high positions in the global QS Subject Ranking

The World University Rankings by Subjects 2020, published today, places TU Delft in 15th place in the broad category of Engineering & Technology.

03 March 2020

Royal HaskoningDHV opts for TU Delft Campus

Royal HaskoningDHV opts for TU Delft Campus

Royal HaskoningDHV opens a branch for 800 employees in Delft, an international hub in the field of technology, innovation and knowledge development.

02 March 2020

The magnet that didn’t exist

The magnet that didn’t exist

28 February 2020

The voice of the patient

The voice of the patient

The use of technology is unavoidable to keep healthcare affordable and accessible, but its implementation must go hand in hand with respect for patient values, says trauma surgeon Maarten van der Elst. He has been appointed to TU Delft’s Reinier de Graaf chair for the coming five years and is holding his inaugural address on 4 March.

26 February 2020

TU Delft climate arboretum

TU Delft climate arboretum

Wednesday 18 March, National Tree Day (Nationale Boomfeestdag), will see the opening of the first climate arboretum at TU Delft.

25 February 2020

‘Uncertain’ ice shelves in Antarctica in NWO-Large collaboration

‘Uncertain’ ice shelves in Antarctica in NWO-Large collaboration

TU Delft is joining forces with Utrecht University, the KNMI, NIOZ and the ULB (Brussels) to investigate the role of ice shelves in the Antarctic in sea-level rise.

24 February 2020

Two Delft projects obtain funding within NWO – GROOT

TU Delft is in the lead in two of the projects: HiRISE, aimed at charting the current state of Antarctica’s ice shelves, and CURE, which looks at sustainable management of waste management sites.

24 February 2020

Measuring, predicting and managing public transport disruptions

Measuring, predicting and managing public transport disruptions

Disruptions to public transport caused by breakdowns or accidents happen on a daily basis. Researcher Menno Yap is developing a method to reduce the impact they have on travellers.

20 February 2020

Monitoring the development of a tumour using the memory of bacteria

Monitoring the development of a tumour using the memory of bacteria

19 February 2020

Cryo-chip overcomes obstacle to large-scale quantum computers

Cryo-chip overcomes obstacle to large-scale quantum computers

QuTech has resolved a major issue on the road towards a working large-scale quantum computer. QuTech (a collaboration of TU Delft and TNO), together with Intel, has designed and fabricated an integrated circuit that can operate at extremely low temperatures when controlling qubits, the essential building blocks of a quantum computer.