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05 September 2022

Best Professor Award received by Kees Vuik

Best Professor Award received by Kees Vuik

On Monday 5 September, Kees Vuik, Professor Numerical Analysis at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) received the Best Professor Award 2022. The festive ceremony preceded the Opening of the Academic Year 2022-2023. Delft University Fund awards the prestigious Professor of Excellence Award since 1994.

26 August 2022

New CRISPR-Cas system with on-off switch cuts proteins

New CRISPR-Cas system with on-off switch cuts proteins

Researchers from TU Delft in the group of Stan Broun have discovered a CRISPR-Cas system that cuts proteins instead of DNA.

25 August 2022

Cells: strong at the right place and time

Cells: strong at the right place and time

Researchers from TU Delft and NWO institute AMOLF discovered how certain molecular bonds make living cells both flexible, in order to move, as well as strong, in order to withstand forces.

24 August 2022

Queen Máxima and Minister Dijkgraaf visit Delft University of Technology Reception Week

Queen Máxima and Minister Dijkgraaf visit Delft University of Technology Reception Week

High-profile visitors during Delft's Reception Week (OWee) and Introduction Programme (IP) for new students: Her Majesty Queen Máxima and Minister Dijkgraaf of Education, Culture and Science visited the Activity Market and talked to students about mental well-being.

22 August 2022

Measurement campaign maps GHG emissions and air pollution in Rotterdam

Measurement campaign maps GHG emissions and air pollution in Rotterdam

Scientists from TU Delft, together with scientist from other research institutions, will investigate how the reduction of urban greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution can best be monitored with atmospheric measurements. Monday, August 22, the measurement campaign will start in the Rotterdam region. TU Delft is using mobile rader equipment to measure urban emissions.

15 August 2022

TU Delft iGEM team aims to develop sensor to detect GHB in drinks

TU Delft iGEM team aims to develop sensor to detect GHB in drinks

Someone may slip drugs into your drink without you noticing, after which you may not be able to think clearly. However, this kind of drugging can almost never be proven, because GHB disappears from the blood within 3 hours. The iGEM student team at TU Delft is working on a fast sensor to detect GHB in drinks. This will alert the user and provide evidence of drugging. 

04 August 2022

TU Delft researchers create flow-driven rotors at the nanoscale

TU Delft researchers create flow-driven rotors at the nanoscale

Onderzoekers van de TU Delft hebben de kleinste door stroming gedreven motoren ter wereld ontwikkeld. Geïnspireerd door de iconische Nederlandse windmolens en door biologische motoreiwitten hebben ze een zichzelf configurerende, stromingsgedreven turbine uit DNA gemaakt, die energie van een elektrische of zoutgradiënt omzet in bruikbaar mechanisch vermogen. De resultaten bieden perspectief voor de ontwikkeling van actieve robotica op nanoschaal. Het artikel is vandaag gepubliceerd in Nature Physics.

01 August 2022

TU Delft raises rainbow flag

TU Delft raises rainbow flag

29 July 2022

Are we ready for the upcoming technological storm?

Are we ready for the upcoming technological storm?

Are we, as a society, ready for developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G and The Internet of Things, creating a ‘perfect technological storm’? Researchers of the Delft University of Technology study this matter.

21 July 2022

NextSkins: EIC Pathfinder grant for collaborative living materials research

NextSkins: EIC Pathfinder grant for collaborative living materials research

A team of researchers from TU Delft, Imperial College London, and Aalto University have received a EIC Pathfinder Challenge grant of 4 million euros for their NextSkins research project on Engineered Living Materials.