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13 July 2022

Delft students ready for international hyperloop competition

Delft students ready for international hyperloop competition

On 18 July Delft will host the 'European Hyperloop Week', the international hyperloop competition for student teams from around the world.

08 July 2022

Convergence brings together investment of 60 million for future-proof healthcare

Convergence brings together investment of 60 million for future-proof healthcare

Tien Flagship projecten van de Convergence, de strategische samenwerking van de TU Delft, het Erasmus MC en de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam gaan onderzoek doen gericht op het toekomstbestendig maken van de gezondheidszorg. De Flagships ontvangen bij elkaar 20 miljoen euro van het Convergence Health & Tech programma. Samenwerking met publieke en private partijen voegt daar nog eens ruim 40 miljoen aan toe.

06 July 2022

QuTech, Eurofiber and Juniper Networks partner to deploy a Quantum testbed

QuTech, Eurofiber and Juniper Networks partner to deploy a Quantum testbed

01 July 2022

Vidi grants for eight leading TU Delft researchers

Vidi grants for eight leading TU Delft researchers

28 June 2022

7.4 million euros for research into products from wastewater

7.4 million euros for research into products from wastewater

Showering, cleaning, flushing toilets, and industrial production are all processes that use a great deal of water. But what happens to the waste in the water, to everything that is flushed away and disappears into the sewer system together with the water?

28 June 2022

TU Delft researchers: sea level rise along Dutch coastline accelerating

TU Delft researchers: sea level rise along Dutch coastline accelerating

De zeespiegelstijging langs de Nederlandse kust is aan het versnellen. Dat melden wetenschappers van de TU Delft in een nieuwe studie. Uit een uitgebreide analyse van de metingen van acht getijdestations langs de Nederlandse kust (onder meer die van Maassluis, Delfzijl en Vlissingen) blijkt dat de gemiddelde zeespiegelstijging – sinds midden jaren negentig – 2.7 ± 0.4* millimeter per jaar is. In vergelijking tot de zeventig jaar daarvoor is dat een significante stijging van 1.0 ± 0.5 mm/jaar.

24 June 2022

TU Delft students impress in competition with sustainable solution for tenement flats

TU Delft students impress in competition with sustainable solution for tenement flats

Symbiotic Urban Movement (SUM) is the name of the TU Delft student team that won third prize at the Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 on Friday 24 June. Their solution: an innovative plan to transform all of the Netherlands’ 847,000 tenement flats.

23 June 2022

Opening Mondai: House of AI

Opening Mondai: House of AI

A new ‘House of AI’ officially opened its doors at TU Delft on Thursday. Mondai is where AI science, education and innovation will come together – an important place for lectures, workshops, hackathons and other events.

22 June 2022

Researchers invent Bluetooth that keeps on working even if power runs out

Researchers invent Bluetooth that keeps on working even if power runs out

Internet of Things now possible without batteries or continuous power, thanks to the invention of 'intermittently-powered bluetooth' FreeBie

21 June 2022

Track-and-trace method predicts best possible resolution in microscopy

Track-and-trace method predicts best possible resolution in microscopy

TU Delft scientists provide insight into the limitations of super-resolution microscopy and offer a new calculation method to determine maximum resolution. The technology is important for studying processes in the living cell, discovering the origin of diseases and developing new medicines. In addition, their publication nuances major precision improvements previously claimed by fellow researchers. Their findings were published in Biophysical Journal.