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885 results

16 September 2021

Position paper: AI as an accelerator of the energy transition

Position paper: AI as an accelerator of the energy transition

Making a significant contribution to creating opportunities for a CO2-free energy system, this is what 150 representatives from the business community, knowledge institutions and government are working on within the Dutch AI Coalition. The Energy and Sustainability working group collaborated on the position paper 'AI as an accelerator of the energy transition', which sets out the opportunities for a CO2-free energy system. Researchers from TU Delft have made an active contribution to this agenda.

16 September 2021

Digital water

Digital water

Overstroomde riolen, plastic afval, lekkages van waterleidingen… Ook onder de grond kent Nederland grote wateruitdagingen. Met menselijke kracht alleen kunnen we dat niet oplossen, zegt professor Zoran Kapelan. Daarom schakelt hij de hulp in van kunstmatige intelligentie en machine learning.

16 September 2021

Delft researchers unmask millions of unsafe face masks

Delft researchers unmask millions of unsafe face masks

At the request of medical professionals, researchers at TU Delft developed a test method to check whether imported face masks met the safety requirements. And that was necessary, as it turns out, because in total only one-third of the 140 million face masks tested in 19 hospitals passed the safety test.

10 September 2021

TU Delft, NFI and police develop smart technique for forensic photography

TU Delft, NFI and police develop smart technique for forensic photography

Every trace or other piece of evidence at a crime scene has to be thoroughly examined. Traces that cannot be taken away or stored, such as blood spatters, is visualised with a ruler to indicate its size. TU Delft and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) have developed a new method for the police that will soon make the ruler obsolete and make it easier to measure all kinds of forensic evidence.

08 September 2021

High water in Limburg during the summer 2021 was more drastic than the river floods in 1993 and 1995

High water in Limburg during the summer 2021 was more drastic than the river floods in 1993 and 1995

The heavy precipitation along with the high water of July 2021 in the Netherlands and surrounding countries was an extreme and exceptional event with major social consequences in Limburg. Commissioned by the Expertise Network for Water Safety (ENW), a broad consortium of knowledge institutions, led by Delft University of Technology and Deltares, has now made an initial analysis of the available information on a range of topics.

06 September 2021

Max Mulder receives Professor of Excellence Award 2021

Max Mulder receives Professor of Excellence Award 2021

On Monday 6 September, Delft University Fund awarded Max Mulder the title of Professor of Excellence 2021. Mulder is Professor of Control & Simulation in the Department of Control & Operations at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE).

03 September 2021

Spinoza Prize for Lieven Vandersypen

Spinoza Prize for Lieven Vandersypen

NWO has announced that Professor Lieven Vandersypen (TU Delft/QuTech) has been awarded the Spinoza Prize, the highest award in Dutch Science.

30 August 2021

Catch me if you can: a revolutionary method to study single proteins

Catch me if you can: a revolutionary method to study single proteins

Researchers from the technical universities of Delft and Munich have invented a new type of molecular trap that can hold a single protein in place for hours to study its natural behavior – a million times longer than before.

26 August 2021

New CRISPR-Cas system cuts virus RNA

New CRISPR-Cas system cuts virus RNA

Researchers from the group of Stan Brouns (Delft University of Technology) have discovered a new CRISPR-Cas system that cuts RNA. The study will be published on August 26 in Science and is expected to offer many opportunities for the development of new applications in genetic research and biotechnology.

12 August 2021

Olympic success for TU Delft students

Olympic success for TU Delft students

The performance of no fewer than four students at TU Delft were crowned with a medal at the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. Roos de Jong (Rowing) and Annete Duetz (Sailing) both won bronze and Stef Broenink (Rowing) won a silver medal. Dirk Uittenbogaard, a student in the Leiden-Delft Master’s degree programme in Industrial Ecology, won a gold medal for rowing (Men’s Quadruple Sculls).