News archive

86 resultaten

16 mei 2022

Kan de TU Delft nog werken met de olie-industrie?

Kan de TU Delft nog werken met de olie-industrie?

De Delftse klimaatmissie maakt het werken met de olie-en gasindustrie niet meer vanzelfsprekend. Prof.dr. Giovanni Bertotti van Geoscience and Engineering (GSE) werkt op de afdeling met de meeste samenwerkingen met organisaties van fossiele brandstoffen. De koersverlegging naar duurzame energie gaat traag, maar is onomkeerbaar. Wat betekent dat voor deze samenwerkingsverbanden?

12 mei 2022

Creation of the Energy Simulation Centre for GeoEnergy

Creation of the Energy Simulation Centre for GeoEnergy

Energi Simulation, a Calgary-based not-for-profit organization, has committed an investment exceeding $1,000,000 Canadian Dollars over the next three years to support Dr. Hadi Hajibeygi and Professor Sebastian Geiger, from the Department of Geoscience and Engineering at the Delft University of Technology, to grow their geoscience and reservoir engineering research activities in energy transition and support innovative science on the transition to a low-carbon energy future.

25 april 2022

New Professor Sebastian Geiger at CEG

Professor Sebastian Geiger is the fifth top scientist who has been appointed to TU Delft with the help of the Excellence Fund. Professor Geiger is a prominent scientist in the field of sustainable geo-energy technology with a prominent role in the energy transition.

19 april 2022

Trapped between green goals and geopolitical reality [TU Delta Article]

Raw material shortages are putting the brakes on the energy transition. It is time for more (urban) mining in Europe and policy to get the circular economy off the ground.

12 april 2022

GSE in the media: Dominique Ngan & Deyan Draganov

At the end of March, Dominique Ngan-Tillard and Deyan Draganov performed a geophysical investigation at the orphans' cemetery in Neerbosch, Nijmegen. They were invited there by the Foundation Memento Mori to try to image unknown graves.