News archive

86 resultaten

02 juni 2020

Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations

Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations

A fund of 3.4M€ has been awarded by the European Commission to a project on geothermal energy, that will be led by researcher Maren Brehme (TU Delft). The project entitled ‘EASYGO: Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations‘ is one of the Innovative Training Networks meant for extraordinary global research as well as excellent training opportunities for PhD candidates to reach doctorate level.

12 mei 2020

The KNAW fund for project MiMo

The KNAW fund for project MiMo

The project MiMo – Misi Monitoring received funding from KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen) for a Dutch – Indonesian collaboration on geothermal energy. It will be led by Assistant Professor Maren Brehme in a strong cooperation with the TBM faculty.

07 mei 2020

European Heritage award for Scanning for Syria project

European Heritage award for Scanning for Syria project

The research project Scanning for Syria (SfS), in which geo-engineer Dominique Ngan-TIllard (GSE) is heavily involved, has been awarded a European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award in the category Research. The project focused on the use of 3D scanning and printing technology to make high quality reproductions of 12th century BC clay tablets with cuneiform writing.

04 mei 2020

SEG award for Evert Slob

SEG award for Evert Slob

The Society of Exploration Geophysicists has decided to honor Prof. Dr. Ir. Evert Slob this year with the Reginald Fessenden Award. Evert Slob gets this award for his excellent research contributions in applied geophysics and his coaching of many PhD and MSc students. The award will be given to him during the upcoming SEG meeting in Houston in October 2020.

24 februari 2020

Twee Delftse projecten binnen NWO Open Competitie ENW - GROOT

TU Delft leidt twee consortia binnen NWO ENW - GROOT: HiRISE, waarin gekeken wordt naar Antarctica, en CURE waarin fundamenteel onderzoek wordt gedaan naar emissies van afvalstortlocaties.