12 september 2019
Modern trombe wall selected for best tech idea
The Double Face 2.0 research project has been selected as one of the best tech ideas of the Netherlands in 2019. The trombe wall with phase changing materials can ensure a much lower energy consumption of buildings. Science magazine KIJK organises the public contest, voting is possible until 1 October 2019.
12 september 2019
Renovating mortars with mixed-in inhibitors
Mortars are recurrently damaged and in need of frequent replacement due to salt crystallization. Mortars with mixed-in inhibitors can help mitigate salt damage. The new research project MORISAL investigates how these inhibitors can create a sustainable and cost-effective answer to a recurrent and severe problem met in practice.
12 september 2019
Jorma Vitkala Award voor James O’Callaghan
De tweede Jorma Vitkala Award of Merit werd uitgereikt aan de hoogleraar Architectural Glass voor zijn bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van glastoepassingen binnen de architectuur.
26 augustus 2019
Zes BK publicaties in International Journal of Technology and Design Education
Zes artikelen over bouwkundig ontwerponderwijs werden gepubliceerd in de laatste editie van het open access tijdschrift. Twintig medewerkers vanuit alle disciplines van de faculteit Bouwkunde droegen bij aan het brede scala aan onderwerpen.
06 juni 2019
Award for pushing the development of structural glass
Professor of Architectural Glass James O’Callaghan has been awarded the 2019 Institution of Structural Engineers Gold Medal. The Institution of Structural Engineers recognises his contribution to the exploration of the behaviour and limits of structural glass to create ambitious, transparent structures.
06 juni 2019
Community building through remanufacturing
Collaborative production in cities has the potential to promote a more circular production paradigm, engage communities, and promote urban and community development. The research project Pop Machina aims to understand the spatial and social consequences of such circular collaborative production in urban areas.
21 mei 2019
Making Nicosia a greener, healthier place
The City-Zen Roadshow visited Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus. The group of international environmental experts, led by Andy van den Dobbelsteen and Craig Martin (AE+T), studied the city together with residents and created a strategy to make the city a greener and healthier place.
25 april 2019
Brugontwerp is meer dan een inkoopproces
Goed brugontwerp vergt een perfect samenspel tussen alle partijen, maar juist daar gaat het nogal eens mis in de moderne praktijk, constateert promovendus Joris Smits. Hij pleit voor een rol als ‘ontwerpintegrator’ voor de architect, ter bestrijding van de fragmentatie van het ontwerpproces.
11 april 2019
Rebuilding the future
During the Green Tie Gala 2019, professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen was awarded a top 3 position in the ABN AMRO Sustainable 50. This list reflects what has happened and who contributed the most to a more sustainable built environment over the past year.
11 april 2019
Zero-energy hotel profits from earth, wind, and fire
The new Breeze Hotel will open in a few weeks in Amsterdam. The hotel is the first building to apply ‘Earth, wind, and fire natural air conditioning’, and uses natural processes to ventilate the near 200 rooms of the hotel. The concept was developed by Ben Bronsema, and presented within his PhD research in 2013. The performance of the concept will be monitored for a longer period to further enhance the system.