The advent of autonomous vehicles is one of the most anticipated technological developments of our time. But despite much progress in recent years, highly automated driving systems are still a long way from being able to drive freely on the streets of our cities. A major bottleneck on the road to the many potential benefits of these systems is their ability to share the road safely and efficiently with human-driven cars and pedestrians. This is a very complex issue, in which AI can play a decisive role.

HERALD Lab develops novel AI methods that will enable automated driving systems to interact responsibly and robustly with the people around them. To do this we will combine machine learning, cognitive modelling, control theory and multi-agent simulations. Ultimately, our goal is to lay the groundwork for a new generation of autonomous vehicles that are truly reliable partners for the people around them.

The HERALD Lab is part of the TU Delft AI Labs programme.

The team


PhD candidates

Steven Adams

PhD candidate

Eduardo Figueiredo Mota

PhD candidate

Associated faculty


Master projects


  • Adversarial examples for Image Recognition by Automated Vehicles, Luca Laurenti, Yuxing Gao (2023/2024) 
  • Formal Control of an Inverted Pendulum, Luca Laurenti, Maarten ten Voorde (2022/2023) 



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